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Like many people who’d prefer to simply sip Champagne with every meal, I certainly don’t consume enough water on a daily basis. If I were one to make New Year’s resolutions (I’m not), I might’ve considered making it a goal to drink my recommended dose of water every day in 2024. It’s a good thing I didn’t, though, because so far, I’d be doing terribly. Unless you count the increasingly mounting recycling bin full of empty wine bottles in my garage. No? Too bad. The good news is, if you’re anything like me and just can’t seem to meet that daily water quota, we have a new excuse to opt for a mimosa instead. Vacuum Flask Bottle

According to a recent study conducted by Researchers from Columbia University and Rutgers University and published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s a terrifying amount of microplastics in single-use water bottles. Admittedly, we’ve known for quite a while that any single-use plastics are bad news for the environment, but we had no idea the potential harm they could do to our bodies as well.
The study tested three unidentified brands of bottled water. Concentrations of micro-nano plastics, which were estimated to be 240,000 particles on average per liter of bottled water, were found in each brand. About 90% of these were nano plastics. Though physically smaller than one micrometer in size per bottle, that amount is “orders of magnitude more than the microplastic abundance reported previously in bottled water,” the study says.
Until recently, only the study of microplastics was conducted in bottled water as nanoplastics are far smaller in size and, therefore, more difficult to detect. This discovery will help scientists identify nanoplastics’ threat to the human body. While the science here is still very new, and there isn’t yet much research on the topic, it is of note that microplastics have been rampantly found throughout the human body, including inside blood and vital organs. So, while science “may not know yet” if this is a bad thing, it certainly doesn’t sound great.
Of course, we love our reusable water bottles. Brands like Stanley, Hydro Flask, and Yeti all make great, durable products, and we love to stock our cabinets full of these gems in every style and color. But sometimes, you want something that feels a little less permanent without having to reach for a single-use plastic bottle. In this instance, we love PATH water bottles. PATH water is ultra-purified, reverse osmosis-filtered, delicious water that comes in sleek, modern, lightweight aluminum bottles that are 100% infinitely recyclable. They also have a great selection of flavors as well as sparkling options. No microplastics included.
Of course, in the interest of erring on the side of caution, you may want to just stick with the glass of Champagne. (We’re kidding…sort of.)
Starbucks runs never get old -- whether you're looking for an everyday caffeine boost or a "treat yourself" drink for a special occasion. From frappuccinos to cold brew with sweet cream, Starbucks offers a delicious selection of drinks to indulge in. Unfortunately, most of these Starbucks drinks are high in added sugar and can put a damper on your New Year's diet resolutions.
Cutting sugar is one of the best things you can do for your health because doing so provides numerous health benefits, from improved energy to better weight management. But if you're planning to cut back on your sugar intake, don't rush to cut out your weekly Starbucks run just yet. There are many different drink combinations you can order at Starbucks, both hot and iced, that have little to no sugar at all. Ordering these low-sugar Starbucks drinks can help you cut sugar and enjoy variations of your favorite coffee and non-coffee drinks. With a few ordering techniques, you'll soon become a pro at ordering low-sugar drinks at Starbucks.
The importance of a strong immune system has certainly been at the forefront of our minds and more formal public health discussions in the past couple of years, and while having a robust immune system will certainly reduce your risk of contracting ailments, it’s also necessary to ward off everyday viruses like the common cold and the flu. In addition to fending off potential infections, a strong immune system also helps you recover faster, feel less fatigued, sleep more soundly, and fight off allergies. One way of the best things you can do if you want to learn how to boost the immune system is to eat a nutritious diet with plenty of antioxidants. Diets high in fat and animal products have been shown to damage the gut microbiome, increase inflammation, and compromise the immune system. There are certain foods that can boost the immune system and reduce oxidative stress due to the vitamins and minerals they contain.
How does your immune system work? One of the main functions of your immune system is to protect your body from infection. The immune system consists of many complex and intricately connected systems throughout our bodies. The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it is the first line of defense against unwanted pathogens. As a result of the skin's function, it's able to filter out both good and bad particles.
Gin may be the most spring-like spirit out there. No matter what season it is, with its in-bloom characteristics, it's a highly aromatic, highly botanical spirit that smells and tastes a lot like the fresher, flower-filled air that we associate with spring. Turns out, the clear spirit goes exceedingly well with certain mixers, too.
So, if you want it to feel like spring no matter what time of year it is, and you're interested in gin drinks like some of the classic gin cocktails, we have a few pointers. A number of fellow liquids not only go great with gin, but they also enhance the stuff. Some, like a good tonic, are pretty expected, but there are lesser-knowns like Earl Grey tea, too.

Stainless Steel Water Bottle The Essential Guide for MenThe Manual is simple — we show men how to live a life that is more engaged. As our name implies, we offer a suite of expert guides on a wide range of topics, including fashion, food, drink, travel, and grooming. We don’t boss you around; we’re simply here to bring authenticity and understanding to all that enriches our lives as men on a daily basis.