Cloudy this evening with showers after midnight. Low 49F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%..
Cloudy this evening with showers after midnight. Low 49F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Portable Impact Crusher

According to KCFD, about $2 million worth of property was destroyed, but $130 million worth of property was saved.
A six-story tall conveyor belt at a mining facility caught fire due to welding after 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Golden Queen Mining Facility in Mojave, according to the Kern County Fire Department.
According to KCFD, about $2 million worth of property was destroyed, but $130 million worth of property was saved.
A six-story tall conveyor belt at a mining facility caught fire due to welding after 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Golden Queen Mining Facility in Mojave, according to the Kern County Fire Department.
A six-story tall conveyor belt at a mining facility caught fire due to welding after 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Golden Queen Mining Facility in Mojave, according to the Kern County Fire Department.
Rubbers, hydraulic fluid, oils and other flammable parts caught fire and spread throughout the conveyor belt, inching closer to larger machines. Firefighters used several different tools and methods to extinguish the fire on Silver Queen Road west of Highway 14.
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