Off-grid solar systems offer energy independence and savings amid rising electricity costs, but it's not as easy as it sounds. Here's what it takes to go off-grid.
Going off the grid doesn't have to look rustic and old-fashioned. You can go off the grid wherever you live with solar panels and batteries. Solar Panel System

Finding creative ways to save money on bills is one of the best ways to fight the current cost of living crisis plaguing Americans.
As our reliance on our devices increases, it's easy to forget that every outlet feeding a device drains your ever-shrinking bank balance. Pretty soon, you're scrambling to pay the increased electric bill at the end of the month. Inflation data published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the cost of electricity rose by 13% from February 2022 to February 2023.
Going off the grid is one way families can use alternative energy sources, such as solar panels, to meet their home or business electricity needs. If you transition to an off-grid electricity system you'll need to take the bold step of severing ties with your local energy provider and switching to a self-reliant energy source.
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CNET's Eric Mack knows all too well what it takes to move completely off the gird and achieve 100% energy independence. "Living off the grid means committing to sourcing everything you need to survive and thrive independently: food, shelter, water, energy. It's empowering, until the moment things don't work," Mack wrote in his first-person account about living off the grid.
Although this transition requires significant upfront costs, the return on investment might be worth it in the long run. Here's what to know if you're thinking about buying a solar panel system and disconnecting from the power grid.
An off-grid solar system is a self-contained energy system that independently produces and stores electricity.
Off-grid systems function by using solar panels, often mounted on the rooftop, to absorb energy radiated from the sun and convert it to direct current electricity before transferring it to a battery for storage. An inverter converts the energy stored in the battery to alternating current electricity to power your home.
There are four main components of every off-grid solar system:
As inflation continues to erode the dollar's value, more people have embraced cost-effective sustainability practices. These off-grid solar system solutions offer the dual benefit of positively affecting the environment and increasing energy independence.
Grid-tied systems are not independent, standalone entities. Instead, they are connected to the utility grid and transmit excess energy generated by the solar panels back to the electric grid -- often selling it back, through a process called net metering, for credits on your power bill. The primary advantage of grid-tied systems is they are significantly cheaper because the owners do not need to buy expensive batteries to add to the system.
When it comes to off-grid vs. grid-tied solar systems, there is no easy answer, said Rohit Kalyanpur, CEO of Optivolt, a Silicon Valley-based solar technology company. It all depends on your preferences and needs.
For example, If you live in a remote area and don't have reliable access to the electricity grid, then an off-grid solar system would work better, said Kalyanpur.
Both grid-tied and off-grid solar systems are eligible for a 30% federal tax credit on the total cost of the system. In order for batteries to qualify for the credit, they'll have to have a capacity of at least 3 kilowatt-hours.
Each off-grid solar system installed at a location must be customized to meet the unique energy needs of the people at that location, Kalyanpur said. However, three main types of off-grid solar systems cater to the energy needs of most people.
These systems rely exclusively on solar panels for power generation. The excess energy generated from the solar panels is stored in batteries and used when the panels don't generate enough power to run the home -- such as at night or when it's cloudy. The cost of these systems depends on factors such as the number of solar panels, battery capacity and efficiency, and the types of inverters and charge controllers.
These systems combine solar panels with a backup generator. The solar system generates electricity during the day, and the backup generator kicks in during periods of low sunlight or at night. These backup generators are usually powered by diesel, gasoline or natural gas. The cost of backup generators varies, so it's essential to research and understand the costs associated with fueling the generator on a monthly basis before making a decision.
These systems use solar panels and other alternative renewable energy sources like wind turbines or hydroelectric power to create a diversified and reliable power system. Like solar-only systems, hybrid systems work in conjunction with external batteries.
Off-grid solar energy systems are a great alternative that helps families meet their energy needs and save money on their utility bills. But solar panels aren't cheap, and neither is the installation work required to get a system in operation. The typical solar panel system in the US costs around $30,000 before the federal tax credit.
Off-grid systems will typically be even more costly. For example, high-capacity, high-efficiency solar batteries are typically very expensive and cost another $10,000 to $20,000. In some cases, they may be more expensive than solar panels.
Correction, Aug. 18: This story originally presented some statements as direct quotations that were actually paraphrases of what the individual cited had said. Those passages have now been rendered appropriately as paraphrases.
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Living Off the Grid Series
Updated Aug. 18, 2023 4:50 p.m. PT
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