Categories: Be on the Lookout, Videos
Topics: Burglary/Theft, Third District Flower Pins

A full inventory has been completed at the American Police Equipment Company and the NOPD has determined that no police insignia items or badges were taken in this past weekend's burglary.
Investigators also say that no ballistic vests or other police 'specialty' items were taken in the burglary by the pictured subject.
As previously reported, the only items taken were a blue jacket, sweaters, a pair of boots, gloves and flashlights. Again, these items had no police insignias on them and are items that can be found for sale in other retail outlets.
However, in an effort to alleviate any public concerns, the NOPD will continue its temporary suspension of traffic stops conducted by plain clothes detectives citywide.
Only marked units with uniformed officers are authorized to conduct a traffic stop until further notice.
Meantime, the NOPD Is asking for assistance in identifying the suspect in this burglary.
Surveillance video of the incident can by viewed by clicking this YouTube link:
If anyone has any information on the above subject, please notify Detective Paul Johnson at 504-658-6166, any Third District Detective at 504-658-6030 or Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111.
Crimestoppers President and C.E.O Darlene Costanza has increased the reward from $2,500 to $4,000 for information that leads to an arrest or conviction in this case.
Have a question or correction? Please email NOPD’s Public Affairs Division at
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Mobile Traffic Units are deployed at locations throughout the City to supplement and support traffic enforcement by the NOPD.
The Traffic Camera Safety Program deters red light violations, reduces speeding violations, increases traffic situational awareness and reduces collision severity.
Request a Mobile Traffic Unit
In 2010, Mayor Mitch Landrieu invited the DOJ into New Orleans to partner in reforming and strengthening the New Orleans Police Department.
The department is well on its way to complying with a federal consent decree that is serving as a blueprint for building a world-class police department that protects and serves its community.
Help solve crime and protect your neighborhood by registering your home or business security camera with NOPD today.
You will only be contacted by the New Orleans Police Department in the future if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera.
Raw police data available to the public. Examine and analyze police responses and interactions throughout the city.
Calls for service, Stop and search, Use of force, Electronic police reporting, Camera metadata and more.
As part of its commitment to transparency and accountability, the New Orleans Police Department has made available its UCR data from 2011 to present.
Criminal reporting data for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large.
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