
Welfare fears following supply issues of Trimediazine for animal feed - All About Feed

Livestock producers are facing a shortage of Trimediazine which is used in animal feed for the treatment of diseases caused by bacterial sensitive to potentiated sulphonamides.

The UK’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) has said there are potential animal welfare issues that could arise following the ceasing of production of UK licensed products. Pigeon Best Medicine

Welfare fears following supply issues of Trimediazine for animal feed - All About Feed

It has provided guidance to the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) on its approach to authorising the import of non-UK licensed products.

Vetoquinol recently ceased manufacturing Trimediazine 15% Premix for Medication Feeding Stuff Vm 08007/4023) and Trimediazine BMP Premix for Medicated Feeding Stuff (Vm 08007/4064).

As a result, the AIC said the VMD had received several enquiries and applications from vets on the import of non-UK licensed in-feed premixes.

Current regulations allow for a vet to import a non-UK licensed veterinary medicinal products under the Special Import Scheme (SIS), if they can provide a clinical justification for the product. The product can then be imported directly or purchased from a wholesale dealer. Both importation and supply have to include a valid VMD issued import certificate.

The SIS does not allow manufacturers of medicated feed to import and use non-UK licensed veterinary medicinal products, or premixes.

But the VMD is aware that its withdrawal from the UK market may cause issues for some pig units. The 15% premix for medicated feeding stuff is used in the pig sector for the treatment of atrophic rhinitis associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica and streptococcal meningitis caused by Streptococcus suis Type ll.

The National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) also says it is used for poultry (chickens and turkeys) for use in the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to potentiated sulphonamides including Salmonella infection and pasteurellosis.

A method to allow the manufacture of feeds using non-UK licensed product has now been agreed. The following procedure must be followed to ensure that importation, manufacture and supply are in accordance with the VMR:

Supply of a non-UK in-feed premix must only occur to an address states on the Special Import Certificate

If the fed mill/manufacturer is named on the front page of the SIC then supply and delivery can be made directly to them

If the feed mill is not named on the SIC then supply must only be to the veterinary practice

A WDIC will be required as normal if the wholesale dealer wishes to stock the product.

Welfare fears following supply issues of Trimediazine for animal feed - All About Feed

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